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traditional worship progressive theology welcoming community
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Support for Ukrainian Refugees – Let’s Help!
By Ilona Kwiecien As the war in Ukraine nears its third year, many people in the west still do what they can to support Ukrainians…both in Poland and Ukraine. First Church has reached out to several groups since the war began, but Lapigua is the one organization we continue to fund on a monthly basis. All others have either closed or the people have moved on. Lapigua is based in Zamosc, Poland about 50 km from the Ukraine border. I have written about its director, Stefanie, and her crew...
Care and Prayer at First Church
The Care and Prayer Circle is a small group of members and friends who have been meeting recently to organize and support our ministries of compassion and care to others and the world. Recently, we started a monthly service of meditation and prayer, designed specifically to offer silence and space for us to pray for others and the world. These simple services will be held at 9:30 am on last Saturday of the month in the sanctuary. Please talk with Lisa Bostnar Jackson or Steve Miller if you...
Men’s AA Group meets EVERY WEDNESDAY from 8pm to 9pm
A Men’s 12 Step Group meets on Wednesday in the Parish House from 7 to 8. To find other AA meetings near you, call 800-839-1686. For information on alcohol addiction, call 866-972-0134.
Scout Troop 33 of Jaffrey meets MONDAY EVENINGS 6pm-9pm in the Parish House
Jaffrey Troop 33 of the Scouts of America have made First Church their home, beginning in 2022. Regular meetings are held on Monday from 6 to 9 with roughly 25 people (10 adults and 15 scouts present) The Scout have space for meetings and storage in the lower level of the Parish House. They also use the Parish House main floor and the sanctuary for meetings and special ceremonies. In return, the Scouts help with projects like the Summer Fair and seasonal inside and outside cleanups.We would...