traditional worship              progressive theology              welcoming community

First Church In Jaffrey UCC is one of the oldest congregations in the Monadnock Region. Over the generations, this congregation has evolved to serve the changing spiritual, educational, and cultural needs of the surrounding community.


When the middle Monadnock area was opened for settlement around 1750, the land grant specified that shares must be set aside for “a Good Convenient Meeting House near the Town Center” along with land for a settled minister, support for the ministry and a school. All would be funded by taxes. When Jaffrey qualified for its town charter in 1773, a town meeting confirmed these requirements. ” By June 1775 the wall frames were raised into place while the cannon roared at the distant Battle of Bunker Hill. The impressive white building provided space for the First Congregational Church, which was formally organized in 1780 and called its first settled pastor, Laban Ainsworth, in 1792.


When the 1819 NH Act of Toleration cut the ties between church and state (taxes would cease funding the churches by 1831), the Congregationalists, the Baptists, and the Unitarians had to share the Meetinghouse space with each other and with town meetings. This arrangement pleased no one, and the Baptists and Congregationalists started to plan their own buildings. Work on the Brick Church adjacent to the Jaffrey Meetinghouse began in 1831 and was completed the following year. Jonas Melville, nephew of Rev. Laban Ainsworth, led a successful fundraising effort. The Brick Church was finished in 1832 and continues to be our home.


People, mills, and other businesses started to move to downtown Jaffrey (known then as East Jaffrey) along the Contoocook River in the 1830s and 1840s. In December 1849, 23 members of the First Church in Jaffrey asked and received permission to leave First Church and organize the Jaffrey East Orthodox Congregational Church. Jonas Melville again applied his fundraising skills to build a church on Main Street, which is now the United Church, UCC.


Thanks to a donation of land adjacent to the church, a parsonage was built in 1877. The parsonage initially had an attached barn, in the New England style. This barn with loft evolved into a carriage house, a garage, and then a small meeting room. Minor improvements continued in the 1950s, but the limitations of the structure became apparent. Fundraising and planning began in 1969 for a major renovation that would include a pastor’s study, classrooms, and proper stairs. In 1977 the Parish Barn became the Parish House.


The sanctuary underwent a complete redecoration in 1956, when the light style returned (during the Victorian 1890’s the style was dark). Pews and interior shutters were again painted off white, and the walls soft peach. Much of the sanctuary’s structure that we see today dates from this renovation. In the 1970s, peach was changed to a soft gray, brass chandeliers were installed, pew cushions, recovered, and new chairs were designed for the altar area by Bradford de Wolfe, an architect and summer resident. In 2017, the front pew and the choir rail were removed and the carpet repaired to make the space more flexible for services and concerts.


Rev. Steve Miller

The Rev. Steve G. Miller started his ministry at The First Church in Jaffrey in January 2022, after a unanimous vote of approval by the congregation in October 2021 when he visited and conducted worship. Prior to moving to New Hampshire, Miller was the senior pastor at the United Church of Christ-Congregational in Vermillion SD for 26 years.
Steve Miller graduated from Springfield College in 1981. He began studying at Yale Divinity School and transferred to the Pacific School of Religion, where he received his Master of Divinity degree in 1987. He served churches in Bethlehem, CT and Gilman, IA before going to Vermillion in 1995.

During his long tenure in Vermillion, Steve studied the Lakota spirit, language and music and invited the Lakota community to hold sacred ceremonies at the UCC church. He was also involved in community theater productions and the Vermillion Youth Baseball Association for players. The title of teacher also belongs in Steve’s repertoire, as demonstrated by his popular “World Religions” course at the University of SD

Starting Anew at First Church
Steve came to First Church during the pandemic and brought new energy and ideas to First Church as the congregation emerged from the isolation imposed by COVID. Working with the Minister of Music Gene Faxon and a growing list of volunteers, worship life not only fills the congregation with spirit but offers vision for the future. Late summer and fall showed a distinct increase in attendance, culminating with a full house on Christmas Eve 2023.

Steve has applied his teaching skills to an ongoing faith study series (usually 4-5 weeks) that has become a hub of learning and fellowship for members, neighbors and new friends. Topics explored in these sessions have included the character of faith, a mini course on world religions, a history of church music, and an examination of Christmas carols.

Steve offers pastoral care to members, neighbors, and friends in homes and care facilities. He’s committed to youth work for the New Hampshire Conference UCC - especially camping at the Horton Center in the White Mountains; serves on the board of Jaffrey’s Shelter from the Storm; and supports Jaffrey Adult Day Care by leading monthly singing events. Other community relationships include worship leadership at Cathedral of the Pines and serving as chaplain of the Scout Troup 33, who now call First Church home. Rev. Miller has also been involved with Shem Center for Interfaith Spirituality in Oak Park, IL for more 30 years through retreats, conferences, and classes.

Steve’s wife, Dr. Jill Tyler, joined him in Jaffrey the First Church after she retired in May 2022 as professor and chair of the University of South Dakota (USD) Communications Department. They have five children and three grandchildren.

Gene Faxon
Minster of Music

On Sunday, February 2, First Church will celebrate 20 amazing years with its Minister of Music, Gene Faxon. After graduating from Brockton High school (MA), Gene went to Boston University where he earned BA in Music and MA in Education. At BU, Gene studied conducting, voice, piano, and organ while finding time to be president of the Student Council – activities that guided his path forward.

Conducting choral music, teaching, and performing are all hallmarks of Gene’s remarkable career, beginning at Western New Mexico University. Living in Silver City, NM, Gene co-founded The Broken Oak Center for Music and the Arts, which became a focus of community activity, offering opportunities for people of all ages to participate in music, art, theatre, dance and poetry.

Returning to New England in the early 2000s, Gene became Director of Education and a faculty member at Manchester Community Music School in New Hampshire. He also taught music at the Pine Hill Waldorf School in Wilton, NH and worked as a substitute organist for several churches. An active member of the NH American Guild of Organists, Gene served as Dean of the Monadnock Chapter of the AGO. Wherever he was teaching and conducting, Gene introduced Wassail choruses, reflecting a longtime interest and training in Early Music.

As Minister of Music for First Church since 2005, Gene has brought his skills and creativity to all worship services, a concert series, Taizé events, community celebrations of St. Lucia and a Scandinavian Midsummer Festival, Easter and Christmas services featuring instrumental quartets and soloists. Under his leadership, Gene introduced Celtic, gospel, folk, Shaker and Broadway music into the life of First Church. A few times a year, he organizes a special service that combines music and readings into a unique communal experience.

Among the instruments that Gene plays with great skill are the organ, piano, harpsicord, recorder, and accordion. Naturally, he is a piano tuner and, recently retired from teaching, he’s delving into learning how to repair pipe organs. Among his awards are grants from New Mexico Endowment for the Humanities from the New Hampshire State Council on the Arts. A longtime resident of Temple, NH, Gene now lives in Keene.

Finally, Gene has worked harmoniously with more than 10 ministers during his 20 years at First Church – a major accomplishment and a tribute to his talent for collaboration!

Judy Lessard
Administrative Assistant

Judy brings her corporate experience. Working with our pastor and music minister, she creates the worship bulletins, sends out e-blasts, and monitors phone calls and church email. Working with our treasurer, she maintains the QuickBooks database and generates financial reports. Working with the communications team, she creates, prints, and distributes the church newsletter.


In late January 2022, First Church heartily welcomed (bottom row)  Roy Lake, Pam Hill,  David Bliss and Janet Grant as new Trustees.  Nancy Elder-Wilfrid is the new Clerk and in the top row is Ann St. Cyr Gordon (Treasurer) and Sam Greene Moderator.


Sam Greene, Moderator
Ann Gordon, Treasurer
Nancy Elder-Wilfrid, Clerk


David Bliss
Janet Grant
Pam Hill
Roy Lake
Tom Warren
Dan Wilfrid